Rojak & Cendol Truck, Damansara Uptown


Chinese New Year is coming and of all things, I crave for rojak. Hah!

Having had the simple joy of ordering rojak via Grabfood I thought why not have the experience of eating onsite though at a different rojak outlet which is near my place of work. 


There is this rojak van operating opposite Texas Chicken. Upon closer inspection of the van, I noted that it is called Rojak Utama. By the way, for those not aware, Damansara Uptown = Damansara Utama.

I have lived in this area since the 1980’s when my dad was working in KL. The name sort of unofficially changed to Damansara Uptown in the 1990’s when the place went through further development which saw the Uptown Towers being built.

I have never eaten at a roadside warong or food van on my own so this is my first time.

This truck has a following. See those plastic bags? All those are pre-orders and a guy drove by to pick up.
There are two guys operating here, one takes care of the rojak while the other handles the cendol. There are two types of rojak – the Rojak Sotong & Telur (RM6.50) and Rojak Telur (RM5.50). As for the cendol, I think there are two types and also two types of ABC

I got myself a Rojak Sotong & Telur (RM6.50) and a regular cendol (RM2.00). My lunch came to a princely RM8.50. Aiyoh! So cheap!


It was a very windy day and my rojak was in danger of flying off hah..hah…


I thought it was quite good. The portion size is generous and I enjoyed the crispy fritters and the fresh crunchy cucumbers and sengkuang.

The rojak sauce is nice, sweet and savory, but I have to say that Hassan’s Rojak & Cendol has an edge over this one. But still, it is a good enough rojak which is conveniently located near me.


I’m afraid I was not thrilled with the cendol. It was lacking in santan and gula melaka. It is very diluted but sweet enough. For RM2.00, I can’t complain. 


Sitting at the van with the strong wind blowing and cars zooming past, I felt quite vulnerable and hoped that the drivers negotiating the turning were alert and paying attention hah..hah..

Well, should I feel the need to eat rojak, I will just come by to tapau and eat in the safety of my office.
