Korean Lunch Set

Korean Lunch Set 1
The last time I was at Qing He Gu@Damansara Uptown for the affordable lunch sets was back in 2018 when I found that the restaurant was very generous with their side dishes.

The food was decent and you can help yourself to complimentary ice cream and coffee at the end of the meal. But I was too full to take advantage of the offer.
When I walked past the restaurant recently, it looks like the lunch promotion is still on with more choices added.

Korean Lunch Set 2
So I dropped in one day (making sure that I was very hungry) to try the Charcoal Roasted Meat.

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You won’t find a crowd here if you are early. In fact even when I walked past late into lunch time, not many tables were taken.

Korean Lunch Set 4

You still get many side dishes and since my main meal was a barbecued pork, it took some time to prepare. My side dishes were served first together with rice and a soup.

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I was also served with this basket of vegetables to be eaten with the barbecued pork. 

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There. The barbecued pork was served and my lunch set was complete.

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The meat was very flavorsome and tender. Very good.

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Although I was suspicious if the vegetable basket had been passed around (if you get the drift), I still ate the contents save for the two leaves of napa cabbage and carrot sticks.

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The side dishes were acceptable and I enjoyed all of them including the kimchi which did not taste like usual kimchi.

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Another day I came back for the Ttukbaegi-Bulgogi.

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It was somewhat murky looking.

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Not appetizing in terms of looks but fortunately it tasted just fine.

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I’m afraid this time the pumpkin had an off taste.

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I wonder what happens to pumpkin that is served but not consumed. I don’t want to speculate but to make sure that it does not survive, I cut it into pieces.

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My late grandfather used to destroy his straw after finishing his drink for the very same reason. 

The lunch set promotion is also applicable on weekends and I might drop by from time to time to try the other lunch sets.

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