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Mid Summative Test Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas V Persada

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas V Persada
Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas V Persada

Mid Summative Test Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas V Persada

  1. Lita and Sisi eat … in the canteen.




    1. meatball c. chicken noodle

    2. fried rice d. fried fish

      Answer: c. chicken noodle

  2. Lasti : Do you want …? Umar : Yes, I do. Thanks!




    1. bananas c. mangoes

    2. apples d. grapes

      Answer: a. bananas

      Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas V Persada
      Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas V Persada
  3. Cheese tastes ….

    1. sweet c. sour

    2. spicy d. bitter

      Answer: a. sweet

      The following table is for questions number 4 and 5.

      These are Susanti’s and Memey’s favorite dish.


      (Tabel berikut untuk soal nomor 4 dan 5!)





      Ice cream




  4. … likes chocolate and ice cream.

    1. Memey

    2. Susanti

    3. Susanti and Memey

    4. None

      Answer: b. Susanti

  5. Memey likes these dishes, except …. (HOTS)

    1. honey c. water

    2. milk d. chocolate

      Answer: d. chocolate

      The following dialog is for questions number 6 to 8.

      (Dialog berikut untuk soal nomor 68!)

      Evan : What are you cooking, Mom?

      Mother : I am cooking omelets. Do you want to eat now?

      Evan : Maybe later. I’m thirsty, I want a glass of iced tea.

      Mom : There’s a jug of iced tea on the table.

      Take it by yourself.

      Evan : Okay, Mom. Thank you.


  1. The dialog takes place in the …. (HOTS)

    1. garage c. kitchen

    2. garden d. bedroom

      Answer: c. kitchen

  2. Evan wants to drink ….

    1. a glass of iced tea

    2. a glass of juice

    3. a glass of water

    4. a jug of iced tea

      Answer: a. a glass of iced tea

  3. The word “thirsty” means ….

    1. lapar c. haus

    2. mau d. ingin

      Answer: c. haus

  4. Vina : Do you like salted fish?

    Rina: No, ….

    1. I am c. I am not

    2. I do d. I do not

      Answer: d. I do not

  5. It is a … of milk.




    1. box c. can

    2. bar d. piece

      Answer: a. box

  6. Rp12,500.00

    It is ….

    1. one hundred two thousand and five

      hundred rupiahs

    2. twelve thousand rupiahs

    3. twelve thousand and five hundred rupiahs

    4. two hundred and one thousand rupiahs

      Answer: c. twelve thousand and five hundred rupiahs

  7. A : How much does an orange cost? B : It is ….





    1. one thousand rupiahs

    2. one thousand and five hundred rupiahs

    3. two thousand rupiahs

    4. two thousand and five hundred rupiahs

      Answer: c. two thousand rupiahs

  8. It is ….





    1. forty hundred rupiahs

    2. four thousand rupiahs

    3. four hundred thousand rupiahs

    4. four hundred rupiahs

      Answer: d. four hundred rupiahs

  9. My mother gives me … rupiahs.




    1. five hundred

    2. seven thousand

    3. fifty two thousand

    4. seven thousand

      Answer: b. seven thousand





    A : Can I buy a plate of fried noodle?

    B : Of course.

    A : How much is it?

    B : It is ….

    1. Rp12,500.00

    2. Rp13,500.00

    3. Rp14,500.00

    4. RP15,500.00

    Answer: a. Rp12,500.00

  11. Andi : Do you like … ? Yoga : Yes, I do.




    1. cake c. cheese

    2. noodle d. bread

      Answer: c. cheese

  12. The taste of a … is sour.

    1. bread c. lime

    2. candy d. chocolate

      Answer: c. lime

  13. It is a carton of/glass of ….




    1. water c. tea

    2. milk d. coffee

      Answer: b. milk

  14. I like porridge.

    Porridge in Indonesian means ….

    1. bubur

    2. nasi goreng

    3. bakso

    4. mie ayam

      Answer: a. bubur

  15. Alif : What is Wulan eating? Risma : She is eating ice cream. Alif : How does it taste? Risma : It tastes ….

    1. sour c. spicy

    2. bitter d. sweet

      Answer: d. sweet

      B. Answer the following questions correctly.

      (Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan tepat!)




      1. What is it?




        Answer: It is a slice of pizza.

      2. What is it?




        Answer: It is a bottle of mineral water.

      3. What does “segelas susu” in English mean?

        Answer: A glass of milk.

      4. What is the taste of a glass of lemon juice?




        Answer: It tastes sour.

      5. What is the taste of candy, ice cream, and cake?

        Answer: They taste sweet.

      6. What is the taste of hot sauce?

        Answer: It tastes spicy.

      7. What is your favorite food?




        Answer: My favorite food is a bowl of meatball.

      8. How much does it cost?



        Answer: It costs three thousand rupiahs.

      9. cost – does – how – much – it?

        Rearrange those words into a good sentence!

        Answer: How much does it cost?






      A : What is it?

      B : …. (a)

      A : How much does it cost?

      B : It costs …. (b)


      1. It is a box of milk

      2. seven thousand and five hundred rupiahs

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