
I Love My Cat


You know, in the past I never really gave cats much of a thought. The only time I take issue with them is when they poop in my garden. That annoyed me to no end.

Then this one came into my life. She is a delight. So affectionate and so charming. Her meows melt my heart. Sigh….


I used to be under the impression that cats are very cold, aloof and selfish. Well, to a certain extent they are solitary  creatures (pretty much like me) and my perception on cats changed when I met my Girl.

I know that there are people out there who have a disdain for cats. I respect their opinion and would not launch into an argument on why cats are better than dogs. But please. Even if you don’t like cats, I do not see the need to say unkind things about them.


I had a conversation with someone whom I see on a professional basis. “Of all things, why cat?” he asked incredulously when I mentioned my cat. Why not? Then he proceeded to regale me with stories of how he buried no less that 15 cats that his bull terrier (since deceased, bless thee o doggie) killed. And he told me he felt “no remorse whatsoever”.


Seriously. What did the cats do to you, man? I think it is rather uncalled for to bring up such a subject when you know the person you are talking to owns and loves a cat. I hope that when he kicks the bucket, he is sent to a place where he is confronted with 15 giant cats (Father forgive my vindictive heart. Amen).

Terkejut badak. Mami ni, tak tahan tengok orang senang. Asyik nak snap gambo jer…..

Now back to my cat. I have since allowed her to come into my house. Now she is better behaved. I think the first time was chaotic because she was exploring a new environment. Yes, she still scratches the sofa and she still tries to eat the rug.


I notice that when I leave the room, after a short while, she starts meowing. It sounds more like yowling. Then she comes looking for me.

If I am in the kitchen, she parks herself at the kitchen door. If I am in the dining, she sits at the doorway.


And falls asleep there.


And if I go upstairs, she sits at the foot of the stairs and start calling out to me.


If I don’t respond fast enough, she will be outside my bedroom door. Gosh, I thought cats don’t do that.


Sometimes she makes me laugh at her antics.


Like her attempt at pole dancing.




She has taken over my favorite seat in the house.


So when I saw this cartoon (which only cat owners will understand), I really identified with it.


Sometimes I don’t care, I just squeeze myself into my former space.




This is her parking herself outside my study room. I had to chase her off when she started to bite the internet cable. Haiz…


I am glad this kitty cat came into my life. Mummy sayang ……….
