I Love Daddy's Car

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Last Sunday my partner and I went for our morning walk at Taman Botani

We came home after the walk before heading out to Aeon for our grocery run. After my shower, I went outside to water the garden. That’s when I saw Girl relaxing on daddy’s car.

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So I went back inside to get my phone. Girl! Look at mommy!

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Every time I point my camera at her, she will look away. Jual mahal, this girl.

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Then she gave me this look. That sombong look.

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Ok lah. Mommy won’t kacau you.

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Then she took a snooze.

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I couldn’t help noticing her hind legs.

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Then I went to water the garden. There were not many flowers in bloom that morning.

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My daun pegaga seem to be doing quite all right.

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This was my breaking fast dinner the day before.

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Flanken ribs, burger patty and omelette. I thought it was too much food but I managed to eat everything on my plate. Just one meal that day for my 23:1 fast.

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