Girl. Don't Give Mummy Nervous Breakdown.


Haiz….my cat…. I love her to bits. Yah, I know. I used to hate cats. Any cat that dared trespass into my garden would be chased away.

But this one stole my heart. 


I gave her a box with a pillow and all. 


But she preferred this smaller one. I reckon because it is cozy and has a roof.

Every time I want to get into the house, she’ll be waiting to dash in. I always prevent her from doing that. I like the idea of having her in the house. But the reality is very different.


She will look up at me with those big green eyes. 


With a meow or two to boot. It melts my heart. But nope! Cannot come inside.


Until one day when she made a dash for it. So I let her be.


Gah! Look at her.

Then she did this.


Then she took to the sofa.

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Like it’s hers.

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So comfy like that.

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I admit, she looked adorable.

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She did not want to leave.

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She wanted to stay all day.

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Then she got bored and the rug got her attention.


She was all cozy in the house having a whale of a time.

I don’t know how you guys do it (cats lovers), keeping your cat in the house. It drove me nuts!

Merajuk. Kena kicked out of the house.
So she was back outside looking very benign when she is asleep.

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I love you girl but you have to stay outside. Mummy’s heart is breaking but mummy can’t take it anymore.