Tired of Outside Food? Food Prep!

Tired of Outside Food? Food Prep! 1
I finally got tired of food delivery and the food around my office. Convenient as it was, I soon longed for some good old home cooked food.

Food prep need not be difficult or complicated. You can cook whatever it is that you like to eat. No recipes required in fact. Just agak-agak campak-campak.

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Sometimes I use up whatever leftover vegetables that I have in the fridge.

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Like this roasted turmeric chicken and vegetables. I just mixed up some turmeric powder, garlic powder, onion powder, salt and olive oil as my marinade.

I marinated two whole chicken legs overnight and the next day I roasted the chicken and the vegetables at the same time.

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Then I cooled the chicken and deboned them. 

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Then just pack with rice and the vegetables into glass containers. I only made two portions of food.

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I revisited my old food prep and instead of cooking early in the morning, I just do my cooking and packing on Sunday.

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And then when I do try recipes, the leftovers become my food prep. Like when I cooked Daging Dendeng

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I paired the meat with stir fried asparagus.

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I don’t prep for the whole week and I don’t prep for lunch and dinner. I just go with the flow and I don’t plan how much food to prepare.

Whatever amount that comes out, that would be packed into any number of suitable portions – just two portions or sometimes I do end up with 4 portions or even more.

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If I eat home cooked food for lunch, then dinner I eat out or vice versa. That way I get more variety and I won’t tire too easily of either one.

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This arrangement is working out just fine at the moment.

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And since I am not doing a full blown food prep, it’s less stressful and I quite enjoy the process (and the eating!).

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