Breaking My 41 Hour Fast With A Really BIG Breakfast

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First of all, I will make full disclosure that I ate carbs (again) today. Two times this month, once at last weekend’s lunch and second time today.
I am not making excuses and nobody is judging me. It’s not like the carnivore police will come knocking at my door tonight. As you all know, I am a very relaxed and practical carnivore. A piece of bread here and there is not going to kill me. Of course if it causes a cascade of carb/sugar cravings, then of course, that is unacceptable.
So. I am at Level 2 of my 90 Day Fasting and Feasting Program. Yesterday was my first skip day. What is a skip day? It is a day that you abstain from food, a full day of fasting.
My last meal on Monday was at 5:30pm. Then Tuesday, I totally did not eat at all. Today, Wednesday, I broke my fast at 10:30am. That would mean that I have fasted for 41 hours. 
How did I feel? Yesterday I was fine (I am used to OMAD and I usually eat dinner) but in the evening I felt somewhat uneasy (even though I was not really hungry) which I think is psychological. I had a mild headache and I took some electrolytes which helped. Other than that, I was fine until this morning.
By 10:00 am I was feeling a little bit peckish so I headed out to Red Kettle at The Starling.
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The mood was definitely Christmassy with Yultide decorations and songs in the air.



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This restaurant is very popular which is why I came really early. If you come here at peak hour, be prepared to queue up.

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I came here for one thing and one thing only.

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The Really Big Breakfast which I have had in 2018 and 2021. And of course a cup of coffee. The coffee here is not that great. If you want vavavoom coffee, go to The Good Batch but the big breakfast there is just so so.

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I’ll say this is better than what I had in 2018 and 2021 in terms of taste. The presentation is similar.

What I liked and did not like …
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1. The sausage tasted a lot better than previously, nyum!

2. The bacon very good. No complaints.

3. The ham, hidden underneath the bacon was very dry. It was so hard to swallow. Really felt like tercekik. So this, no good.
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4. The mushrooms were superb. I loved the earthy flavors but it was a tad salty at the bottom. And to Choi Yen, if you are reading this, there was a lot of liquids at the bottom of the bowl.

5. The corn was not good. Under cooked and bland. I did not finish it.
6. The salad was accompanied with some sort of pickle that was so very sweet. I’m afraid I disliked the salad and pickles.
7. As for the French toast, ah! It was divine. The (raisin) bread was thick and well soaked with milk and eggs which gave it a rich mouth feel. It was also sprinkled with cinnamon and sweetened with syrup (I would have preferred not sweet).
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8. The two pieces of grilled bread were crunchy (and chewy) and I ate them with the fried eggs.

9. The fried potato (instead of sweet potato) wedges were just that, additional carbs.
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10. The eggs were fried in butter and the yolks were runny, great eaten with the crispy grilled bread.

I was very full at the end of my meal. 
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So I decided to take a walk at the mall. 

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These days got macam-macam things. Like this Baby Spa & Wellness. Can sell, eh?

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These days parents are willing to spend money on these things which never existed when I was a baby. In the old days parents were more relaxed. They even fed babies with Woodwards Gripe Water (to calm baby down) which at that time contained alcohol (that’s how baby calmed down) wahahaha!! Now of course gripe water is alcohol-free.

I was even taken to a Dracula movie (by my grandparents) before I was even kindergarten age. Yes, I still remember the scene where a man took a goblet and drank from it. I asked my grandma “what’s that?” and she said “blood”. Cool. See, I grew up OK (though with a penchant for horror movies).
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See they even have DNA testing. Well, hopefully the alleles match both parents’ or else, huru hara I tell you.

So that’s my story for the day. Total damage for the Really Big Breakfast :
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