
Ah Piao Again

As I mentioned before, this Belle Belle banyak cerita one. Sometimes I look at her and feel blessed that she came into my life.

No doubt it was challenging. I had wanted Girl to have a companion and though Belle Belle initiated friendship many times at the beginning, Girl turned away and avoided her. 

But now they are buddies. I often observe Girl purposely brushing against Belle Belle and Belle Belle responds by licking Girl’s ear. It’s quite cute but that also depends on Belle Belle’s mood. Sometimes, she will take a swipe at Girl. And mommy will holler “NO FIGHTING!!!” Kind of reminds me of my childhood hah..hah…hah…


In the past, my sofa was dominated by Girl. But now it is Belle Belle’s domain.


She prefers this two-seater because (I think) it has daddy’s scent on it. When my partner sits on the sofa, Belle Belle will perch herself on the armrest and rub her head against his shoulders. She does it with gusto and with eyes closed as if like so syiok like that.


I told my partner, if Belle Belle were a woman, I would have beaten her up real good wahahahahaha!!!! Maybe she was his past life ex-gf reincarnated into a cat. Who knows.


So anyway. I have to laugh at her antics.

This is the latest one.


Do you see that?




She decided to be a decoration in the display cabinet.


She refused to budge and I had to drag her out. But at least I could laugh about it.
