It's My Birthday! 52 and One Step Closer To……


….heaven’s door or the gates of hell? Eh, we don’t want to talk about that destination lah. Live each day the best that I can. Actually I am thinking more along the lines of one step closer to….senior citizen status!

Yeah! Special counter at the bank. Special public transport rates. Special discounts at buffets wahahaha!!!

So anyway. I spent a lot of some money on myself that day (this happened last month by the way). So what, right? Like what my late grandma used to say, it’s better to burn money on yourself while you are still alive rather than have people burn paper money on your when you are dead.



After reading about Lina’s Masak Lemak lunch, I also wanted to eat masak lemak. Luckily for me I found masak lemak at Nasi Kukus Lejen@Damansara Uptown.


Since it was my special day, I deserve a Coconut Shake


My Masak Lemak Daging Salai craving about to be satisfied.


Mmmmm…looks and smells good!


Podehnya mak oi! Very spicy hot, oh my goodness but oh so good! The coconut shake helped cool things off, phew!


I was very satisfied with my lunch. Total RM15.00, eh quite cheap leh.

Then later in the afternoon …..


I had to have a piece of cake. What’s a birthday without cake?


Chocolate Caramel Cake and an Americano.


The cake was very nice, not too sweet at all. Went so well with the coffee. The Good Batch serves pretty awesome coffee and since they are currently having a teatime promotion, the coffee was complimentary.


Just as well because the cake itself was RM15.00++ Total damage RM17.40.

Right after that I went to my favorite place at the mall.


Wahahaha!!! My birthday lah. I can eat anything that I want. The Sanum (RM17.85) – kiwi fruit, strawberry, dragonfruit, crushed oreo, mini cookies and cookie sauce. The cookie sauce tasted like. ….well, cookies. I love cookies but I didn’t like the cookie sauce.

Then I treated myself to a movie (RM18.00). Why this one? Because after all the sugar I consumed, I needed a kick ass movie to keep me awake.


Let’s see how much I spent on myself that day – Nasi Kukus Lejen (RM15.00)+The Good Batch (RM17.40)+IlaoIlao (RM17.85)+MBO (RM18.00) = RM68.25. See, less that RM100.00. Haji Bakhil would have approved, but maybe not heh..heh…

And then my partner took me out to dinner hee…hee…


At the good old place – The Ship! Because he knows his old girl loves her goobak (beef).

His. Chicken Chop.


Hers. Charbroiled Sirloin Steak.


And a Banana Split for dessert.


Then I noticed even The Ship has jumped on the bubble tea train.


So there you have it, my whole day of eating on my birthday. It was probably much better than last year but not as good as the year before that. But still. Happy Birthday to me!
