Lim Fried Chicken, The Starling


The first time I had Lim Fried Chicken (LFC), I thought the chicken was all right, not bad but not great either. At that time, I had it with chee cheong fun. Then I never went back.

Recently on a day when I only food prepped for lunch, I needed something for dinner. So I revisited LFC.

After I paid for my order I was told my food would be ready in seven minutes. Seven minutes became 15 minutes and I went to check. I was told my food was not ready yet. So I waited.


The lady apologized and explained that they had to fry the chicken. So that was my dinner.


The egg turned out to be hard boiled instead of fried. Next time, I will do without the egg. The cabbage was just boiled cabbage, ughs!

The sambal was not bad but I did not like the curry. 


It was Chinese style and quite runny.

The only nice thing on the plate was, thankfully, the fried chicken. Crispy skinned, big and meaty. 


Another day, I could not decide what to eat and I went for LFC again. This time sans egg and curry.


This time, I was told to wait five minutes. Like before, five minutes became 15 minutes. 


I was given a generous serving of sambal but unfortunately, the sambal that day tasted weird. The color was weird too. As usual, eating the cabbage was pure torture.


The fried chicken was still good but I think that’s it for me. No more LFC. At least not for awhile.
