EAT 21, Damansara Uptown


On my walkabouts in the neighborhood, I noticed (last year) that a new eatery opened at the spot vacated by my once favorite place.

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EAT 21 is located just above the nasi kandar place I visited last year. I was curious of course. Prior to this, a short lived hot pot place was at this very same spot.

So I googled and found out that EAT 21 serves vegetarian food (of the clean eating kind, not all vegetarian outlets are created equal).

Some clean eating would do me good after the indulgent feasting during the recent Chinese New Year (yes, I put on weight. Bah!)

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The few reviews I found were positive and I was encouraged to climb up the stairs (for some much needed exercise) hee..hee… 

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It is a small place with very simple decor, helmed by a very warm and friendly lady, Ruth. 

2020 02 07

At the moment choices are limited to only three – the Speedy Gonzales, The Best Marigold and The Super Bowl.

I started off with The Best Marigold (RM8.00), then the Speedy Gonzales (RM12.00) and lastly The Super Bowl (RM8.00).

I found The Best Marigold and Speedy Gonzales quite tasty, while The Super Bowl might  be an acquired taste.

The following week I returned. What I am sharing here are meals that I ordered as takeaway to enjoy in the office (so that I can tambah ingredients heh..heh…).

Since I love Mexican flavors, I had the Speedy Gonzales again.


In my bowl are potatoes, quinoa, green peas, corn, brown rice, topped with falafels (the white and green mash look like sour cream and guacamole which you would find in a regular burrito bowl, but they aren’t).

There were pickles too this time (love that!). At the bottom is a sauce with flavors akin to chili con carne. For more details read here.
And then the next day it was The Best Marigold, Indian inspired, which I find very agreeable to my tastebuds.


What you have in this bowl are potatoes, quinoa, green peas, spiced brown rice, chickpea curry and topped with pickles and shallots. I love the pickles, eaten with the aromatic spiced ingredients, the aroma and taste reminded me of murtabak. For more details read here.


I brought along some fresh coriander to the office (my favorite herb) and poured The Best Marigold into my container and gave it a good mix. 

I have to be honest, the last bowl, The Super Bowl was not my favorite. The five spice powder in this one is quite distinct. But I was willing to give it another go.


Besides quinoa, potatoes and peas, there are also mushrooms, beans and rice (underneath) with the spice mix. For more details read here.


Again, my last portion of coriander (and some sliced cucumber) was put to good effect for added zing to The Superbowl. I think a dash of my favorite chili sauce might make this more pleasing to me. Or even some cut chilies with a tiny dash of soya sauce.

As suggested by Ruth, you can add anything from fried eggs to nutritional yeast to even, yes, chili sauce to make The Super Bowl more interesting. It is a bowl that can be tweaked to one’s own taste and of course to do that you would have to bring this home (or to the office) with you.

In keeping with my wish to incorporate more plant based meals in my diet, EAT 21 would be the place to meet my goals. You can also order via Grabfood

Usually when I eat vegetarian, I am not satiated and get hungry within the hour. But at EAT 21, with generous portions and high fiber content (no mock meats are served here I am happy to report) from complex carbohydrates, the meal keeps me full for hours till dinner time.

Another plus point – the food is salted sparingly and there is no sugar added. Oil is added at bare minimum and only olive oil is used. If you are more accustomed to heavily seasoned food, your tastebuds may need some adjusting. Of course don’t expect the curry/burrito bowl to taste like the regular versions but I assure you they are tasty nevertheless.

So people of Damansara Uptown (and neighboring areas), vegetarians/vegans or otherwise, come try (tasty) clean eating. Prices are very friendly (portions generous!) and best of all, you can expect warm and congenial service. At the moment operating hours are limited from Mondays to Fridays from 11:30am to 2:30pm.

2020 02 131