Friday Duty

Friday Duty

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I am well enough to do my household chores. I have made a remarkable recovery. 
My first herniated disc incident back in 2013 was pretty bad and it took 10 weeks to heal due to my own ignorance and my injury was poorly managed. Then it happened again early this year and with better management, I healed in 6 weeks.
This time around, with benefit of experience and better management, I am 90% recovered in just 3 weeks. I also credit this speedy healing to my current way of eating. Exclusion (or major reduction) of sugars and carbohydrates has resulted in less inflammation and therefore better healing.


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So it was time that I clean my two kiddo’s litter boxes which I now call their poo poo box. Haiz.

The things I do for these two. They most likely do not appreciate what mommy does for them. All they do is eat, sleep, pee and poop.

See? While I am toiling with the sanitation of their toilets, they are taking a snooze.

Anyway. After the poo poo boxes were washed, dried and disinfected, it was time to fill the boxes with tofu litter.
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This is the tofu litter that I use, Cindy & Friends. I try to get the unscented ones like charcoal and original.

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But before that, I applied a layer of baking soda first. This acts as a deodorizer.

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Then in goes the tofu litter.

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For additional insurance, I bought these deodorizer beads.

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I just pour a few caps of the beads on top of the tofu litter.



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Somebody came to inspect her toilet.

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So kepoh.

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Girl, please don’t pangsai yet ah

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The scoops were also cleaned and disinfected.

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There you go. Two very clean and sweet smelling, well not sweet smelling, or rather, clean smelling litter boxes. It is important to scoop the poop out as soon as the kiddos use the box or else it will get very stinky.

As for pee, let it sit for at least 30 minutes first (it does not smell so bad unless if it was left there for more than day) for the litter to clump or else you will be scooping a muddy mess.

Fatty wanted a snack.

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So I gave her just a little bit of kibble.

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These two keep me quite busy cleaning up after them. 


But it is OK. I am happy that I took them in from the streets and gave them a forever home. They give me a lot of joy. 

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