Coffee and Cakes, Anyone?

Coffee and Cakes, Anyone? 1
After having had a session of coffee and cake on my birthday, I thought it might be a nice thing to do once a week. Hah!

I have been eyeing this particular cafe for quite some time.

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Madeleine cafe, located inside a bookstore.

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So one Friday, I walked inside to have a look see.

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From 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, you can have coffee/tea and a slice of cake for RM15.90. 

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Ooo! I can’t resist cakes!

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They have cookies too.

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Why not, eh?

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Very nice cake. But the coffee is not as good as the one at The Good Batch.

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I am a creature of habit. So I returned the following week heh…heh….

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Another delightful chocolate cake.

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Oh no, the saucer was chipped.

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The week after that I spotted this Durian Mille Crepe. Try saying no to this.

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Resistance is futile! Unfortunately they ran out of coffee and waiting time was 10 minutes. So I settled for tea.

I’m afraid the Durian Mille Crepe was not as good as I had hoped. The durian flavor was muted and the whipped cream filling was rather thin and not sweet enough. I don’t like sweet things and when I say something is not sweet enough, it is not sweet enough.

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Just in case you were wondering, the durian decoration is made of buttercream, something I am not a fan of.

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On my latest visit, I tried the Carrot Cake. It was not to my liking. A little dry and lacking in flavor.

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I could not resist the Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie. It’s best that I bake my own. 

I reckon, chocolate cakes are the safest bet for me at Madeleine. Or perhaps I should try the cheesecakes next.

Coffee and Cakes, Anyone? 17

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