30 Day Carnivore Challenge : Day #1

Today is officially the first day of my challenge. Yesterday was the kick off and interestingly, I was stuffed and satiated the whole day. I did not have to eat dinner.
This morning, after my workout (chewah!), I cooked my lunch to take to the office. Yesterday at Aeon, I picked up two packets of ground beef (total weight 400g) and made beef patties.

I added minced onion, soy sauce, one egg yolk and pepper to the beef and mixed everything up. Then I formed them into balls (total 20 balls) and placed them into two glasslock containers to be stored in the fridge.


So this morning, I simply scrambled three eggs and fried 6 beef patties. All this was done in a jiffy. 


It does not look like much (in terms of quantity and looks). But three eggs and 6 small beef patties was plenty to keep me full. I ate lunch at about 1:00pm which meant that I fasted for almost 24 hours. 

So what’s for dinner? 
To keep things simple, I simply used the premade beef balls and smashed them up in the frying pan. I did not even have to add any oil because the minced beef already had fat in it.

Once they were cooked, I threw in some spring onions (from my garden) and three beaten eggs.

The result, minced beef omelette.


So there you have it, my very simple dinner.
To be honest, I was very, very tempted to drizzle chili sauce on the omelette (my bad habit). But I refrained from doing so. It still tasted good. I am learning to appreciate the natural taste of food.


Since this omelette was so beefy and eggy good, I think I shall have the same for lunch tomorrow.


Update :

In the evening around 7:30pm I was hungry! I guess I did not eat enough for dinner.



I opened up a can of sardines. Kautim!