30 Day Carnivore Challenge : Day #6

Today I did another OMAD. I was at the office clearing up some stuff and no, the deadlines are not over yet.

I began to realize that skipping a meal really saves a lot of time. I don’t have to worry about preparing lunch early in the morning. And I can work through the lunch hour.


On the home front, my two girls are now permanently barred from entering “their” room. I have had enough of their nonsense.

Girl did this a couple of weeks ago. This is very graphic, ok? At least it was on the pink mat and not on the bed.


Many weeks before that, Belle Belle vomited under the bed and I was oblivious to it until I smelled something funny while going upstairs.

I followed my nose and it led me to two mounds of almost dried up vomit under the bed. Pengsan I tell you. I knew she threw up a day before at the staircase landing. I cleaned up the mess, not suspecting there was more. Haiz!


Needless to say, Girl was very unhappy about being banned from the bed. Look at her super sulky face.


Belle Belle is pretty cool about it. She never complains. She is a sweet old girl.


For dinner today it was pork chops, marinated the day before and simply pan fried with a few cloves of garlic. I added some butter towards the end of cooking. That added an extra layer of flavor.


They were a bit charred because I was careless. 


Nevertheless they tasted really good!