30 Day Carnivore Challenge : Day #18

I had steaks again today. Yesterday evening I discovered that I had another piece of ribeye from Feast Market in the freezer.
So I took it to the fridge to defrost overnight together with a ribeye that I purchased from another source. 


That up there is my partly eaten steak which I forgot to photograph before taking a few bites. Yup, I cooked the steak in the air fryer this morning to take to the office.

This is basically an experiment to see how steak travels to work hah..hah…. It’s not too bad and had I eaten it earlier, the steak would have been still warm.


Back home, I cooked the better steak (again) in the air fryer. Since I had leftover beef salami, I chopped them up and scrambled them with two eggs.


Like I mentioned yesterday, I did not enjoy the taste of the salami. It had a chemical taste to me. I won’t be buying anymore. 


The cook I achieved this evening was so much better than the previous two attempts.


Perfectly medium rare and juicy.


Tastewise, of course this piece of ribeye is far superior to the ones from the “cheaper” source.


Tomorrow I shall eat something else.