30 Day Carnivore Challenge : Day #22

Today lunch was the same old boring air fryer steak from home. Cold steak is definitely not delicious but that will have to do. Better than me picking up stuff from the chap fan shop.

I went for my usual walkabout and discovered this new restaurant.


Padangs on Wheels. Eh, what is that?


Upon googling I found out that this restaurant specializes in Nasi Padang dishes. Wah! That should be interesting. This restaurant is right behind the OCBC Bank @ Damansara Utama.

Then at The Starling food court, I noted that the space next to Wishbone Fried Chicken had been taken up.


Jia Bao Bak Kut Teh. Let me show you the menu.


This is carnivore friendly (without rice).


Opps! The uncle spotted me hee..hee…cak!


Elsewhere at Restoran Wai Kei, they put up the specials menu and it looks pretty good.

So what’s for dinner?


I cooked another batch of beef tendon soup last weekend and this container is straight out from the fridge.


The soup and content were all jelllified which means that there is plenty of collagen here. As you can see, I could have removed the layer of solidified fat but I did not.


I transferred the whole lot into my favorite Korean bowl. I know. It looks terrible.

Now let me show you my fresh batch of fried shallot in oil. Straight from the fridge.


I don’t know if you can keep this at room temperature and to be on the safe side, I stored it in the fridge. I don’t want to take the chance of the oil turning rancid.


Yup, it is solid and very hard. So I just left it to thaw while my soup was steaming.


Then 25 minutes later, my soup was ready.


It does not look appetizing at all but I know it is good.


The shallot oil softened and liquified some and I just scooped a generous spoonful and plonked it into the hot soup.


I also added some daun sup.


Ooooohhhh…la…la…. so good!


I love the tendon and this time I got it all nice and tender. I shall be having the same soup for dinner tomorrow.