30 Day Carnivore Challange : Day #23

Today I totally terlupa to take photo of my lunch. It wasn’t anything exciting anyway, just a plain onion omelette.

Before lunch, I went to The Starling to look for a new shower set. My existing (el cheapo) one dropped from the holder and broke – the connecter and shower head were ruined.


The mooncake mood is on at the mall but as of right now, quite somber. Perhaps it is still early and most people will go get theirs when it is closer to the date.


These mooncake kiosks are at the concourse, so many brands and so many attractive packaging.


This one is Hong Kong Bae Bay.


Then I saw lanterns.


That sure brought back childhood memories!


When I was a kid, I lived with my grandparents and I remember carrying a lantern around the neighborhood with my cousins and the other kids.


It is pretty quiet since it is a weekday. I am sure it will be different Saturday and Sunday.


This is the Tai Thong kiosk, right in front of Kam Kee Cafe. I think they also have another one at the basement right outside Jaya Grocer.


Then I saw this Hock Wong Disney Mooncake. So I kepoh-kepoh snap photo and the guy told me the kiosk will be there until 10th September. So I am helping him spread the news lah.


hee..hee.. so cute the packaging! This would be nice for your friends who have very young children. Maybe your own kids might pester you to buy this for them.


Not cheap as you are also paying for the packaging. Anything cute does not come cheap.


They also have the 6 pieces set.


This price can buy me one Wagyu steak wahahaha!!!


The packaging looks like a treasure chest. So if anybody is interested, this kiosk is right in front of Nando’s. As for me, no mooncakes, at least not this year.

What’s for dinner? Something very robust but not the beef tendon soup.


Somehow the steak was well done even though I cooked it in the air fryer at 200C for 4 minutes per side. I wonder why not consistent like before.


But it was still good and that is all that mattered.