30 Day Carnivore Challenge : Day #29

Last Sunday I attempted  a food prep for the coming week.

It has been ages since I food prepped and I thought it might be helpful if I could just reheat the meals either for lunch or dinner. Besides, meat is very suitable for reheating.

So I made a meatloaf with hard boiled eggs embedded in the mix.


I used ground beef and pork, seasoned with onion and garlic powder, light soy sauce, pepper and one egg to act as a binder. In the past I would have added a fair amount of corn flour or even mashed potatoes to bind and give the meat some moisture.

Forty minutes later, this came out.


Once fully cooled, I removed the meatloaf from the pan and sliced.


The meat seems quite firm and it might be a bit dry. I haven’t even tasted it yet. 


I also prepped a bunch of bacon.

I did not bring my prepped food to the office because I was certain that I would not need lunch. Last night’s grand meal filled me up so well.


I took this photo last Thursday.


This cute food truck was parked right outside RHB Bank.


They sell rice bowls and oden. Oden seems to be popular as I often see people eating it at Family Mart. I’m afraid I am not a fan, haven’t tried, but I do not like the smell. Besides, oden is full of processed meats, something which I actively avoid.


Then I came across this new coffee shop which is right behind Public Bank


The print on the menu is very small.


It seems rather quiet when I walked past.


Guess what?


Seng Kee Chicken Rice sudah tutup shop.

In its place is Addict Chicken Rice.


I will have to check them out one of these days by tapau-ing the chicken to see if it is any good.


Then I came across these bikes (?). I wanted to take a photo but was photo bombed by the auntie who stood there for the longest time.


So this auntie walked over closer so that she was out of frame.


I spotted another cat at the pet shop. This one looks very grumpy.


Pho Vietz @ The Starling is getting a neighbor soon (previously Nam Heong).


The Barn, opening December 2022. Should be interesting.

I am publishing today’s post early because I expect to stay late at the office. Last Saturday I left the office around 8:00pm and it might be the same today. 

My dinner if at all I eat at home will be this.
