Confessions Of A Malaysian Carnivore

So. I posted my 30 Day Carnivore Challenge since 01-08-2022 which ended 30-08-2022. And now I must confess.
I have been carnivore (well carnivore-ish) for a lot longer than that. It was not my intention to deceive anyone, not at all. I was just uncertain what the response and reactions would be.
You, my readers, especially those of you who drop me comments have been very supportive and kind. I did not once receive a negative remark. So, thank you.
My carnivore journey actually started 01-05-2022. Although it was a much more lenient form of carnivore. For example, I ate the last box of mutton varuval in the freezer (no rice, obviously), I ate nuts, occasionally I ordered burgers but discarded the buns, that sort of thing.

Simply put, the major thing that I completely cut off from my diet was carbohydrates – rice, noodles, pasta, ice-cream, pastries, sugar and fruits. 

Now, you will ask me, hey what about vegetables? Yes, I also eliminated vegetables save for some herbs and onions/garlic, simply in keeping with the spirit of carnivore. 
Have I suffered any ill effects from eating primarily protein and fats? No, not at all. As a matter of fact I am functioning at a much higher level than I have ever had my whole life. 
Whilst I am not here to promote the carnivore diet, I can only suggest that if you have any unresolved health issues, you may want to consider this way of eating. I shall share the very encouraging results and what the carnivore way of eating has done for me.
I went into this diet initially for 30 days (out of curiosity and fun) but 30 days turned into 60 and 60 days turned into 90 and 90 days turned into 120 and counting.
After four months on a carnivore diet, these are the good things that happened to me.


1. Weight Loss and Body Recomposition
During the 2020 MCO, I put on a total of 8kg. Not surprising since I did not observe MCO (Mouth Control Order) and if you followed my MCO journey, you would know what I ate. Yup, carbs, loads of carbs.
I remember my brother upon seeing me at my gate (I was wearing a sarong berkemban style because he dropped in while I was in the shower) remarked “Aiyo! Your arm so fat!”. Well, I forgive him. He meant no harm, just stating a fact.
Although I tried to get back on track, that MCO weight stuck to me right up to before I started my carnivore journey.
As of today, I lost a total of 6kg and my waist decreased by 8cm. All this without even trying ie no crazy exercises and no food restriction. I can eat until I am full and satiated.
I have more muscle mass to fat ratio now and though I may not have lost all the 8kg that I gained, I am more muscular and well toned.


2. Mental Clarity
This is probably the most amazing change that I experienced. I used to have mental fog and sometimes I couldn’t think clearly when I am at work. When urgent matters arise, I can’t think straight (I feel like I am going berserk) and I tend to panic.
Even at home, there were many instances when I looked at dirty dishes in my sink and counter tops (when food prepping or cooking) and my brain just goes crazy.
I would feel very, what in Hokkien we say, luan. The depression amplifies and I wished I could just abort my cooking plans and walk away from it all.
Two months into carnivore, the world looks brighter and everything is crisp and clear.
My brain is very focused and sharp and I can manage complex and urgent matters with ease and without panicking. I am motivated and nothing drags me down anymore.


3. Depression and Anxiety Gone
This has relevance to mental clarity. I may have mentioned that I suffered from depression ever since I was a child. In my adulthood, it never really got better, I just had good days and bad days.
Every Sunday, at around 2pm onward, dark clouds would gather above my head. Why? Because tomorrow is Monday (a school or work day). The depression and anxiety builds up and God forbid if there was a test/exam or meeting set up on Monday. My mind would be tortured to no end.
Two months in, one Sunday I realized that hey, I am feeling good! I wasn’t depressed, I was in fact in a very good mood! It has been like this ever since with no reported incidence of depression on Sundays or any other day. 
This to me is a miracle.


4. Boundless Energy and Increased Strength
Now where do I begin? Every Sunday, my partner and I go to Taman Botani for our weekly morning walk. We started this back in 2020 and we resumed in 2021 after the MCO.
All this time, I do all right when we walk on flat surface but when it comes to walking up any elevation, that is where I fail. I found it tough – my legs would be burning, my heart pounding in my chest, I would be out of breath and at times even felt light headed and dizzy.
At about the end of the first month, I noticed a change in my stamina. I was stronger and did not have to struggle as hard as I previously did.
Then by the middle of the second month, wow, walking up the slope was a breeze! I felt light, my legs no longer hurt and my heart rate and breathing was steady.
Also, I used to feel really pooped by the end of our one hour walk and back home, I would get really sleepy by 6pm. But now, my energy level is high and steady and I no longer feel tired after the walk.
Even at work, I am not tired at all, I can last up till the afternoon. Of course if it is a particularly stressful day (like yesterday when the LHDN website servers were super jammed up) then of course I would feel fatigue. Other than that, I am all good right up to bedtime.
I am now so alive and awake!

5. Better Sleep Quality

I have never been able to maintain good sleep. It is very rare that I wake up and feel awake. Majority of the time I still feel groggy and wished that I could continue sleeping.
This took almost three months to resolve. I began sleeping better but my sleep improved even further when I tried a technique called Mouth Taping. Yes, it is basically that – you tape your mouth shut when you sleep.
The idea behind this is to prevent you from breathing through your mouth when you are asleep. Breathing through the mouth results in lack of oxygen to the brain and also causes snoring. 
Since my partner complained remarked that I sometimes snort like a pig, I decided to tape my mouth. I went to the pharmacy and bought a micropore. Micropores are  tapes that are used to keep  surgical dressings in place, so it is gentle on the skin.
I just take a strip and tape my mouth vertically, ie from under my nose to my chin. Sure it felt weird at first but with that, I slept so well and I did not even wake up to go to the loo.
6. Hair
I have white hair, like the nenek kebayan. My hair started turning white when I was in my late 20’s pretty much like both my parents.
So I have been dying my hair to cover the whites so that I don’t look so ancient (so vain pulak). Lately, I would say about 3.5 months into carnivore, I noticed that the baby hairs growing along my hairline are black! I could’t believe my eyes and I dug into my scalp and lo and behold some of the new hairs growing on my scalp are also black. Wow!
I don’t expect my hair to turn 100% black but this phenomenon is rather remarkable.


7. No More Food Cravings
In the past, after my meals (usually dinner at home), I would want to munch on something – snacks like cookies or peanuts or chips. Somehow the mouth and stomach want more.
But on carnivore, I don’t experience that. I eat to satiety and once I am filled up with protein and fats, I really don’t want anything else.
As a matter of fact, I can now walk into a bakery, take a deep breath and not once am tempted to buy anything. It is deeply ingrained in me now that carbohydrate is not my friend.


8. Good Mood
These days I am happy. I feel calm and collected. My mood is steady throughout the day and I no longer experience ups and downs.
My partner noticed my disposition and he commented that I am so cheerful and joy is reflected on my face. What a nice compliment! 
I guess, there is no (or very little) sugar in my blood to cause glucose spikes which can affect mood and energy.


9. No More Bloating
Bloating and gas is now a distant memory. This stopped immediately after I eliminated carbohydrates and vegetables/fruits.
All is calm on the western or rather the southern front. I am no longer a major contributor to the world methane emission if you get the drift. No more smelly farts!! wahahahaha!!!


10. Restoration of Female Function (Ahem!)
I saved the best for last. This is a very delicate issue. But it has to be talked about. I am post menopausal and with that, I lost my libido and sexual function. I wasn’t interested anymore in doing you-know-what and I was dry in my you-know-where.
This was something that I never thought about and never looked to heal from. I mean, there are so many more important things in life, right?
Well, what do you know, 3.5 months into carnivore, I noticed a change in me. Long story short, I am now functioning like a 25 year old woman again. That’s right, my karipap is in business again and my lahling is VERY pleased.

So now you ask me, eh, how do you go to the toilet without eating vegetables?

I shall solve the mystery for you. Carnivores don’t go to the toilet as often as omnivores or vegetarians. Why? Because proteins are very efficiently digested and absorbed and there is hardly any residue left.
And to prove that that is true, I will have to give you too much information. So here goes nothing.

I have mentioned coffee enema here and this is something I have been doing since 2006. You might get freaked out but I don’t care. I do me, you do you.

So after an enema, when you release the enema, solid waste will be released as well. Well, I noticed I hardly pass out much solids, in fact on certain days, there are no or very little solids at all. That proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that on a meat only diet, there is not much waste produced.
Now you ask me, where am I headed? I will not go back to a regular diet anymore and no, I won’t say that I will never eat carbohydrates again. I will reserve them for the once in a blue moon occasion. I will tell you why.  That’s a story for another day.

