Two Meals A Day


I am now in the Two Meals A Day (2MAD) stage since last Saturday and this will last for 7 days. Then I do a 23 hours fast this coming Saturday.

This is a sample of what I had last Sunday.


Two fried duck eggs, bacon, some prawns and a beef burger patty.


The addition of prawns was nice except that these were the frozen ready peeled type that does not taste as good as fresh ones.


Then for dinner, it was more or less the same except for the addition of quail eggs. These tiny eggs were so full of flavor, I really love them.


But peeling these tiny eggs were a bit of a chore.

On another evening, I had something much simpler.


My TV meal of beef burger patties with fried eggs. I cheated by squeezing a little bit of chili sauce on the burger patties tsk..tsk…


I also had some plain yogurt mixed with some flavored milk kefir. Got to live a little lah and have dessert, right? Once I finish off the flavored kefir, I will buy the plain unflavored ones. Hopefully Aeon has those in stock.


I am doing well so far, happy that I am on only two meals a day now. The two weeks of three meals a day was simply too much.