30 Day Carnivore Challenge : Day #3


It has been three days already on a meat based diet and I am happy to report, so far so good.

This morning I prepared another simple lunch. What could be easier than bacon and scrambled eggs? It is interesting that one packet of steaky bacon I ordered from Sanbanto was very lean tsk…tsk…tsk…


Usually I would not need to add any oil to the pan because copious amounts of fat would be rendered from the fatty bacon. But not this one, I had to add olive oil. I guess I would have to specify that I want bacon with fat.

Maybe the Sanbanto people have been inundated with requests for leaner cuts, hence the lack of fat. Haiz!


Yes, I admit to thinking about toast and baked beans, the usual accompaniment to bacon and eggs (and a squish of tomato ketchup!). 


My day at the office today (as well as yesterday) was crazy hectic because we are rushing to beat the grace period granted by the Companies Commission of Malaysia to submit our companies audited financial statements. Yup, we missed the official deadline, and now must not miss the grace period. Or else – MAMPOS!

I playfully chided my auditor – Haiya! You all ah! This year why you all so late, ah??!! And he was like – ya lah! This year, all the auditors are late one! hah..hah..hah… yes, ah?

Anyway, hopefully I can kautim the group tomorrow.

After all the kancheong and adrenaline rush, I must relax and eat something nice. What could be nicer than more bacon and a Black Angus burger patty? Top that with eggs sunny side up, and I have me a comfort meal.


The burger patty is 100% meat and is not seasoned. When I fried the burger I noticed that it sort of curved upwards due to the heat. Now I understand why those guys at the burger stand always press the burgers while cooking. If you don’t do that, the center of patty won’t get properly cooked.


I forgot to salt the burger patty but it was fine because bacon is salty. In fact I appreciated the natural flavor of the beef. This is clearly good stuff and the taste is super good, no seasoning required.


So there you have it. No carbohydrates. No vegetables – every mother’s nightmare wahahaha!!!