30 Day Carnivore Challenge : Day #21

Today is exactly 3 weeks into my carnivore way of eating. This morning my partner and I went for our weekly morning walk at Taman Botani.

I noticed something different when we got to the park. My head was clear and I felt light and perky. That was a very nice feeling! When we reached the part where we had to negotiate a slope, oh my. What a difference. I could walk up the slope with so much ease. Wow!


All this time, whenever I walked up the slope, my legs would be burning and I would be huffing and puffing and trailing far behind my partner. Then I would feel lightheaded and my heart would be pounding like mad in my chest.

But today, whoa! I have renewed energy in spite of not eating carbohydrates. Maybe I am now fat adapted and burning fat as fuel? I don’t know. When we negotiated another slope, again I did it effortlessly unlike in the past. And today’s walk felt like a breeze. 

When we got home, my energy level was still the same. Usually I would feel pooped. But not today. I’ll need to make another assessment next week.

Now on to lunch!


I tried the Smoked Streaky Bacon from my bacon haul.


There were 6 slices of bacon in the package.


Aren’t those beauties a sight to behold? 


A sight that would send your cardiologist into a state of cardiac arrhythmia. Unless if your cardiologist is Dr Ovadia, who is supportive of the carnivore way of eating.


These are pork burger patties that I got from Sanbanto. There are 4 pieces inside and they are lightly seasoned.


So this is what I ate today – pork burger patties, bacon and eggs. Delicious!


I ate the same thing for dinner.


The pork patties were pretty good. Just defrost and pan fry for 4 minutes per side. No need to season unless if you prefer stronger flavor. For me, the light seasoning was enough. Besides, the bacon provided added flavor.


So that’s my Sunday. I am going to watch some TV. And for the first time in my life, I am not depressed on Sunday evening. This needs to be looked into again next week. Interesting.